14 Things You’ll Only See At A Walmart In China!


Well, Walmart is supposed to be that magical place where you get EVERY thing you want. But the Walmart in China tells a different story altogether. You wanna know why? Take a guess. Well, we all know that this place is really really weird. But you can’t expect to actually witness such weirdness in any other country! See for yourself.

Here are 14 absolutely ridiculously weird things that you’ll only see at a Walmart in China!

1. Well, you begin your creep journey through the mart, here’s the first one, Shark heads. Now, can somebody please explain to me? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MINDS!

Walmart in China


2. If you ever wander into the frozen meat section, don’t be alarmed. Yep, crocs on the dinner menu tonight! (Are those snakes?)

Walmart in Chinavia

3. I have no freaking idea what’s that. And, by the look of it, I don’t even want to know!

Walmart in Chinavia 

4.  Ah. just a couple of live frogs for purchase. Quite normal! (For them)

Walmart in Chinavia

5. I don’t think that this is even hygienic. 

Walmart in Chinavia

6.  Yep, you guessed it right indeed, that is a weird hog face. For the love of God China! 

Walmart in Chinavia

7. Nope, you don’t want to know the story behind this one! (It’s a duck!)

Walmart in chinavia

8. Nope, these are not pets at all. (Nope don’t ask me what they’re for)

Walmart in Chinavia

9. Chicken lovers, wanna grab a bite of this one?!

Walmart in Chinavia

10. Don’t ask me how did they form a pair. But there you go, Oil + Orange juice. (Seriously which genius came up with this!)

Walmart in Chinavia

11. Is that a giant? Alien squid or something trust me this is not something you want to come across all of a sudden! O.o

Walmart in Chinavia

12. All you fitness freaks. Chinese Walmart is the correct place for you. After diet coke, now you have diet water!

Walmart in Chinavia

13. Now you’re talking. Finally some bizarre useful product.

Walmart in Chinavia

14. Now, what on Earth is that?! Anti Bacterial? Seriously? LOL

Walmart in Chinavia

15. And for a bonus, the WATERMELON from your textbooks people. 

Walmart in chinavia

So, apart from making a totally weird copy of things. And, having food dishes that are nowhere near a soothing appetite. China is now trending with the weirdest Walmart you’ll ever want to come across. From Shark heads to diet water, to anti bacterial underwear. They’ve done it all! And next time you plan on a trip to China, you might (probably don’t!) want to check out for treating yourself with Walmart nightmares!


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