13 Lies Every Hosteller Tells His Parents During College Life


Education is a big part of our lives. And this is why parents choose the best universities for their children to study in. But hostel life is not easy. It makes students responsible and a fine lies-teller. Here are 13 lies every hosteller tells his parents during college life.

1. Yes. I have eaten already.

lies hostile parents


I haven’t eaten yet because I was way too into my stuff and now the dinner time is over but I’m not going to tell you. Because you’ll freak out and feel bad for me.

2. I’m not sick. It’s just flu. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.

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I’m dying of fever but I’ll just take medicines to cure it. You need to know about this.

3. Yeah mama, I slept by midnight.

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Are you kidding me? Why would I sleep by midnight when I can enjoy the whole night with my friends drinking.

4. Yes my quiz went just fine.

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I am literally going to fail my quiz. But I don’t want you to scold me right now so I’m just going to lie.

5. All my instructors are great

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They are not!!! They’re cruel creeps who burden me with tons of assignments, quizzes and tests. And I’m so done with it!!

6. All my friends are great too and I love all of them.

lies hostile parents


They’re actually snakes in the the form of humans. And I hate all of them!!

7. Yes I have enough money to survive.

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I’m a hosteller and I’m broke too. But I don’t want to bother my parents with extra expenses as they’re already paying tons for my tuition fee.

8. No! I’m not underselling the number of female/male friends I have.

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We party all night with loads of hot chicks but it’s not important for parents to know. So you go lies!!!

9. Mom I attended all my classes today.

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I bunked one and was late for two. But why does it even matter? I’ll catch up tomorrow. Fingers crossed!!

10. We are all just staying in and studying over the weekend.

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Movies, boys and drinks!!! Who would bother to study when you can enjoy with your buddies.

11. My phone’s battery was dead that’s why I couldn’t get in touch.

lies hostile parents


Basically I was enjoying my hosteller life with my friends and I didn’t want my parents to disturb me. That’s why I turned off my phone.

12. Dad I want more money for my university supplies.

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All these lies are going to take me to hell. But I’ll take it. But first I need to party!!!!

13. She/he is just a friend mom!

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She is my girlfriend. And I have slept with her too.



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