Ever Wondered Why Popcorn Is The Default Movie Theater Snack..??Here Is The Reason


In theater watching movie and no jumbo bucket of popped corn….!!!! ahhh… NO way!!! Hard to imagine.

Movie and popcorn are like an ancestral ritual which we can not let go.

Popcorn was extremely popular in mid-1800’s, especially in fairs and carnivals. Small vendors used to sell them  and make a huge profit since the snack was affordable enough for everyone to buy when the first steam-powered popcorn maker was created in 1885. Although popcorn was not at all entertained being noisily chomped at in theaters, because before talkies, literacy was necessary for movie-goers, as the theater artists wanted to focus on the well educated crowd.

popcorn in theater


Although till 1947, movies were no longer associated with “sophisticated” literate audience and everyone could enjoy them.

Early theaters were not equipped to handle popcorn machines and thus, independent vendors grabbed the opportunity and sold popcorn outside the theaters thus making a double profit from the movie goers and passerby. Soon vendors could sell popcorn inside theater lobby in exchange for a small fee. A Large mass of people bought this since this snack was budget friendly – 5 to 10 cents per jumbo packet and thus perfectly suited every pocket.

popcorn in theater

Soon theater owners began to cut out the vendors and began producing and selling the popcorn themselves for more profit since the snack was in high demand. The owners began to use several tactics for the huge sale of delicious snack, and even one of the owner lowered the price of a movie ticket in his theater in order for the food to sell.

During World War II popcorn hit the huge sale mark, as the sugar was sent off to military and there was no sugar for the production of candies and soda. Since there was no such shortage of salt or corn, the snack became a huge popularity and continues till date. It is indeed a perfect snack to munch on…!!!!

Image Credits: msn.com| Featured Image


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