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Movies And TV Shows That Were Not What Fans Expected

Movies and TV shows are our daily jam. The production of movies take more than years and for TV shows that run many seasons,...

Horror Movies That Were Based On True Stories

Horror movies are our jams whenever we want to feel that fear and rush while watching movies. Most movies of the genre involve supernatural...

Same Costumes That Were Used in Different Films

Movies take up a lot of budgets and millions are spent making them. A lot of professionals are involved with the production of these...

The Highest Grossing Movies Of Hollywood Of All Times

Films have continued to evolve from the time they first hit the screens. There had been movies that had grossed very high revenues in...

Mistakes In Marvel Movies That Will Make You Flip Out

Marvel has made our lives slightly better with its movies and superhero adaptations. The movie franchise after having 11 years of superb journey has...

Best Movies And TV Shows Streaming On Netflix In July

Are you a movie lover?. Do you have a bucket list of movies to watch?.  Have you checked Netflix to watch those movies?. Netflix...

Final Destination Memes That Remind Us Why We Don’t Drive Behind...

Final Destination was one of the most epic movies to have ever released on the planet. The movie franchise was so amazing it hit...

Myths That Movies Made Us Believe Are True

Movies are an amazing thing to watch and spend your time on. The most exciting movies that we watch nowadays are an action thriller...

Roles That Should Have Been Played By Somebody Else

Casting in a movie is a really hard thing for the directors. There are countless auditions for characters and the people participating in the...

Actors Who Will Always Be Defined By That One Famous Character...

Harry Potter, Jon Snow, the entire cast of Friends TV show, there are many more examples. There are actors who will forever be defined...

Jason Momoa Is Ready To Be Marvel’s Next Wolverine!

X-Men's universe ended with the release of Dark Pheonix a few days back and now finally the biggest running superhero movie saga of all...