The New Game Of Thrones Theory Says That Bran Is The Night King


Game Of Thrones is probably that one show on which the most number of theories have ever been written or guessed. Every day someone comes with a new theory with evidence and proofs that make us think. Now, this particular theory that I am about to discuss below is something that’ll blow your mind.

The New Game Of Thrones Theory Says That Bran Is The Night King


The show is already in its second last season and a lot has happened till. The most feared and anticipated villain, Night King with his army of the dead is on his way to Westeros. Now, a lot has already been said on Night King and his powers. Also, in season six, we already got to know through Bran Stark how the Night King was created.

The New Game Of Thrones Theory Says That Bran Is The Night King


But the question that has still not been answered is who actually is the Night King? Or to be precise, who was the man that the children of the forest stabbed?

Well, this Reddit user might have solved the entire mystery. As per turm0il26, Bran is actually the much feared Night King. Yes, the same Stark child who was pushed down from a tower by Jaime Lannister and who now is the Three-Eyed-Raven. We all have witnessed how Bran can travel back through time and see or alter things. Remeber the fate of Hodor?

The New Game Of Thrones Theory Says That Bran Is The Night King


turm0il26 in his theory has stated that the boy who can not walk but can travel through places by through his ability to warg may be the culprit behind the whole drama. As per him, using his ability to warg, Bran’s soul was in the man who was stabbed and who later turned into the Night King.

The New Game Of Thrones Theory Says That Bran Is The Night King


To support his theory, turm0il26 has explained the whole thing detail. He says that Bran believes that he has the power to change the history, and hence, he travels back in time multiple times.

The Redditor claims that Bran has so far travelled thrice back in time. Each time, changing something or the other.

1. The first time he travelled several decades back, he whispered and asked the Mad King to prepare for the White Walkers. And hence, wildfire was prepared under the King’s Landing. But things backfired when the Mad King thought he was hearing voices and they were just messing him up. So in sheer madness, he tried to burn the entire city.

The New Game Of Thrones Theory Says That Bran Is The Night King


2. The second time Bran travelled back in time, he assumes the role of Bran the Builder. And made the wall that now stands between the Night King and Humans. Bran even created the words, “There must always be a Stark in Winterfell” after building Winterfell.

The New Game Of Thrones Theory Says That Bran Is The Night King


3. The final time travel that Bran did was the time Night King was accidentally created. This time, as per this Game Of Thrones theory, Bran either warged himself into the person who now is the Night King or tried to those Childer of the Forest who then created the Zombie King. But this plan yet again backfires and he ends up becoming the Night King himself.

The New Game Of Thrones Theory Says That Bran Is The Night King


Due to this sudden change in the entire plot, Bran or the Night King gets trapped behind the very own wall he built as Bran the Builder. And is now waiting for ages to be born again as Ned Stark’s child.

The New Game Of Thrones Theory Says That Bran Is The Night King


This Game of Thrones theory even says that “he doesn’t end his misery by killing his younger self, is that he finally learnt the ink is dry, and he would fail again.”

To make this his deduction stronger, turm0il26 has shared 3 pictures from the show which clearly shows Bran and the man who now is the Night King doing the same actions.

He further says, “You can actually see in the scene where young Bran goes back to the creation of the Night King, that when the children push the dragonglass into his heart, we see Bran tighten his grip on the veins, just as it is himself experiencing the pain.

“Also in the end of the flashback, Bran is laying in the exact same position in the cave, as the human pushed up to the tree is.”

The New Game Of Thrones Theory Says That Bran Is The Night King


Remeber the scene where the Children of the Forest tells Bran that he is the one who is responsible for the White Walkers.

Bran- “It was you? You made the White Walkers?”

Leaf- “We were at war. We were being slaughtered. Our sacred trees cut down. We needed to defend ourselves.”

Bran asks-“From who?”

Leaf- “From you.”

The New Game Of Thrones Theory Says That Bran Is The Night King



Read more: Game Of Thrones Backstories That Are More Brutal Than Any Other Show


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