20 Adoption Stories That’ll Give You All The Feels!


You know what’s the greatest feeling in the world after giving birth? Adoption. Giving somebody a chance at life is probably the greatest thing you can do. But there are some people who have not only given others a chance at life but have gone out of their way to make them feel like they belong. These adoption stories shared by people will have you in tears!

Here are some of the adoption stories that’ll give you all the feels!

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1. Yes, it is, in fact, the most wonderful feeling in the world.

adoption stories

2. Kids do change your priorities. And you would not want to change them as your priority.

adoption stories

3. I don’t think she’d have to worry about her child anymore

adoption stories

4. Brother’s are brothers no matter what. 

adoption stories

5. This broke my heart.

adoption stories

6. Sometimes kids don’t really want to act like a grown up and re-miss all those things that they missed.

adoption stories

7. Weddings really make everyone cry.

adoption stories

8. Single dad? Kudos to your gentleman.

adoption stories

9. This is really one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever read.

adoption stories

10. Feel like family.

adoption stories

11. It all comes down to how happy you’re in the end.

adoption stories

12. Everything anybody ever needs and wants is a little affection and care.

adoption stories

read also: 18 Creepy Step Fathers Stories That’ll Make You Thank Your Own Father!

13. Yes, it is and I bet so is your daughter.

adoption stories

14. Is there anything better than this? I’m already in tears.

adoption stories

15. And what else do you really need?

adoption stories

16. That’s all that matters, isn’t it?

adoption stories

17. It’s so nice to have dreams, I bet you’ll be well protected.

adoption stories

18. Sometimes fairy tales only need a Dad.

adoption stories

19. No matter what’s your skin colour is you’ll always be their son.

adoption stories

20. Just like Baby’s Day Out In China.

adoption storiesread also: These Clingy Confessions From Girls Are Something We All Can Easily Relate To



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