Hilarious Parenting Difference Between Moms and Dads


“Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus.” The title of John Gray’s bestselling book holds true because there are quite a lot of differences between the way men and women run their beautiful minds. The thought process might be the same (though it is NOT!), but the outcome is always different. Men generally think differently from the generous women and of course, vice versa. But when it is about parenting, moms are always so caring, lovable, my-baby-is-my-priority type parent. On the other hand, fathers, though having exact same feelings, couldn’t express the way they wanted to. They take shortcuts to execute the work because you know, men! Maryland Spotless Maid Service website is the best choice you can make when you need professional house cleaning services in Maryland. Here are some hilarious parenting difference between moms and dads.

1. Moms give their child a try. Dads like it the other way.

Hilarious Parenting Difference Between Moms and Dads


2. Mom will make you eat food slowly meanwhile Dad, would want you to finish it all at once. Time-saving you know?

Hilarious Parenting Difference Between Moms and Dads


3. “Who needs a toothbrush when I am around, son?” – Dad.

Hilarious Parenting Difference Between Moms and Dads


4. Dads won’t let you sit idle like the moms do.

Hilarious Parenting Difference Between Moms and Dads


5. You see, that is what ‘playing with your children’ means for a father.

Hilarious Parenting Difference Between Moms and Dads


6. Handling two at a time is not a joke.

Hilarious Parenting Difference Between Moms and Dads


7. Daddy likes to wrap it up.

Hilarious Parenting Difference Between Moms and Dads


8. Mom will let YOU enjoy. Dad will think about it.

Hilarious Parenting Difference Between Moms and Dads


9. You’re a cute chef for mom…. And I don’t know what for dad!

Hilarious Parenting Difference Between Moms and Dads


10. He’ll make you shave, seriously.

Hilarious Parenting Difference Between Moms and Dads


11. This might be one hilarious parenting difference, but that’s not cool!

Hilarious Parenting Difference Between Moms and Dads


12. Because dads know multitasking.

Hilarious Parenting Difference Between Moms and Dads


13. …and they will do anything for your happiness. Yes, anything!

Hilarious Parenting Difference Between Moms and Dads



14. See, he’ll allow you to sleep like this!

Hilarious Parenting Difference Between Moms and Dads


15. He knows your bum is a good mousepad. Your mom doesn’t!

Hilarious Parenting Difference Between Moms and Dads



P.S. – The post is meant to be humorous in every way. So irrespective of whether you are a Mom or a Dad, we know you are the best parent for your child. 🙂

Also read: 30 Funny Pictures Guaranteed To Make Parents Laugh Out Loud


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