12 Legit Signs Which Show That You’re Just His Friend


There’s a guy and you really like him and moreover, you guys are great friends but he will show no signs of interest in you. You might be just his friend and all those dreams could just be an illusion. Let’s give it a check, see he might show these signs…

1. You are never alone

Signs That Shows That You're Just His Friend

Everything that you do is surrounded by others. There are very few moments when you are both alone and can stare deep into each other’s eyes. He always seems to have a group of friends who are conveniently around when you’re on a date. You start to see this as a pattern, so take this as one of the signs and realize that he just see you as a friend.

2. He is a closed book

Signs That Shows That You're Just His Friend

He doesn’t open up to you about anything in his personal life. The conversation is quite a base level and superficial. You don’t know anything about his past relationships or past lovers. He just talks to you about his day and you never talk about emotional baggage. He clearly doesn’t want to take it to the next level.

3. The conversations don’t flow

Signs That Shows That You're Just His Friend

You don’t have a constant flow of contact. You send the text messages and he takes a few days to respond. You are constantly asking about him and filling his ego. Texting takes a second so if he takes a day to respond, he’s probably not into you.

4. He doesn’t do breakfast

Signs That Shows That You're Just His Friend

He will often rock up at your house, you sleep together and he leaves before breakfast. He eats breakfast every other day of the week except the day he is with you. Fact: He isn’t into you. Leave it.

5. You do all the talking

Signs That Shows That You're Just His Friend

You stare into your partner’s eyes and love asking them about all the wonderful things they have been up to. The conversation often seems one way. You do all the talking and he doesn’t show any signs of interest. Do you feel like you are talking just to yourself? If so, this guy is probably being polite but he isn’t really that into you. Time to move on sister.

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6. He calls you late and drunk

Signs That Shows That You're Just His Friend

He only ever gets in touch when he is drunk or it is really late. Booty call might be the other word for it, but he already knows he can flirt with you over the phone and get into your knickers without making a huge effort. He can even blame it on the booze the next day. Stay away from these types as you are only damaging yourself emotionally.

7. He tells you about other guys

Signs That Shows That You're Just His Friend

You are out and about and the guy can’t stop talking to you about how great his best friend is. He might introduce you to a friend and then comment about how great you look together. It is a nice gesture and although he might not be into you, at least he wants you to find romance.

8. He is always talking about his ex

Signs That Shows That You're Just His Friend

His ex-girlfriend is way more part of the conversation than she should be and you just can’t deal with it anymore. You don’t care why they broke up or how in love with her he still is. Stop being the shoulder to cry on and give yourself some dignity.

9. He cancels last minute

Signs That Shows That You're Just His Friend

Girls, he cancels last minute. You have been getting ready for over 2 hours now and he has just cancelled or he always cancels just when you are shaving your legs getting ready for a hot date. You try to convince yourself of the excuse but it just isn’t enough. You think there must be an emergency but the reality is, he is just not that into you.

10. He never uses the word “Us”

Signs That Shows That You're Just His Friend

“Us” doesn’t exist in his vocabulary. You have been dating for a while and you want to make something official right? You tend to meet his friends and he introduces you as a friend. You have no profile on social media and no one really knows about you. He keeps you locked up and the reality is, he probably just wants to keep it that way and all that show he isn’t into you.

11. He is always distracted

Signs That Show That You're Just His Friend

He is always distracted and on his phone. You guys set up an exciting date and he can’t pay attention to you. Do you find yourself repeating you?  His mind may be wandering off to someplace he finds more interesting than your stories. If he can’t be interested in your conversation, what makes you think he’d be interested in you?

12. You always hear about how great you are

Signs That Shows That You're Just his Friend

The sentences often start with… “you’re great but…”. The guy is just being polite. He isn’t into you. He is constantly telling you wonderful things but offering up lots of excuses. Excuses are a polite way of saying he is not into you.


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