15 Marriage Proposal Rejections And What Went Down Next


Marriage is one of the biggest commitments of life. And it takes more than love to keep it working and alive for years. But a marriage with a perfect marriage proposal is incomplete. I have seen and I guess, you as well, to what length people go propose their significant other. But the thing is, not every marriage proposal ends up with a yes. Rejections are a part of life, that’s for sure. But a no after a marriage proposal hurts so bad. People are left destroyed. And the thing is, we can’t really help it. At times, this no actually saves the person.

Read More: 15 Cringeworthy Marriage Proposals You’d Never Say Yes To!

Here are some marriage proposal rejections stories that people shared on Reddit!

1. I wish the same should have happened with Ross Geller. But one of the many rejections leading to something positive.

Marriage Proposal Rejections And What Went Down Next

2. This is one complicated series of a marriage proposal. And a long run before divorcing, I don’t know whether to be happy or not.

Marriage Proposal Rejections And What Went Down Next

3. Ruined a bit? I guess this marriage proposal rejection and the revelation ruined a hell lot for this guy.

Marriage Proposal Rejections And What Went Down Next

4. I don’t really know if I should consider this one of the stories of rejections or not.

Marriage Proposal Rejections And What Went Down Next

5. Wait, what? I mean who on earth goes for a marriage proposal right after 4 weeks of dating?

Marriage Proposal Rejections And What Went Down Next

6. Rejections leading to a successful marriage has never been this beautiful. 37 years is a long time.

Marriage Proposal Rejections And What Went Down Next

7. I can’t even imagine the heartbreak that guy must have felt. Also, not the girl’s fault either.

Marriage Proposal Rejections And What Went Down Next

8. At least you caught her before getting married to her. Why do people as such even exist?

Marriage Proposal Rejections And What Went Down Next

9. Remember, people, if you don’t want to face rejections, never be drunk. This goes for a marriage proposal and every other thing in life.

Marriage Proposal Rejections And What Went Down Next

10. Can we just say this adorable and pass onto the next one?

Marriage Proposal Rejections And What Went Down Next

11. That escalated way too quickly, to be honest. Nevertheless, she finally said yes.

Marriage Proposal Rejections And What Went Down Next

12. Why two weeks later? You should have thrown him out the moment instead.

Marriage Proposal Rejections And What Went Down Next

13. So, it is important to choose your friends wisely if you don’t want to face rejection.

Marriage Proposal Rejections And What Went Down Next

14. Never give up. If the person is the one, do not give up. Despite the number of rejections you go through.

Marriage Proposal Rejections And What Went Down Next

15. This indeed is my most favorite marriage proposal and rejections story on this list.

Marriage Proposal Rejections And What Went Down Next


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