12 Comics Which Clearly Illustrates Love Before And After 30 Years Of Age


For many people, hitting 30 years of age is a psychological milestone. It definitely changes our way of perceiving things and also, we act differently to the same kind of situations. There are a lot of other benefits of being more than 30 years of age like you still stay young but much smarter and more independent than you used to be when you were 20. How differently we act in the same kind of situations before and after 30 years, are illustrated best by these comics. These clearly portray what love looks like when you have crossed the psychological milestone.

Here is the compilation of 12 relatable comics showing how our way of acting in love changes after crossing 30 years of age:

1. Before 30, we are actually more in love and too possessive regarding our other half. An evening without him/her seems like the end of the world whereas after 30, an evening without him/her is the perfect time for doing what you have always wanted to do alone.

comics showing love before and after 30 years of age

2. After 30 years of age, phone calls eventually turn into messages and love loses its essence. It’s all about the busy schedule.

comics showing love before and after 30 years of age

3. Making your other half jealous was always a thing of fun, right? Well, not after you are mature enough to understand how it feels on the other side. More than jealous, you used to make him/her worried and that’s not what you wanted, of course. Comics like these are so relatable.

comics showing love before and after 30 years of age

4. Actions speak louder than words. After crossing the psychological milestone, you tend to show your love more rather than speaking it out.

comics showing love before and after 30 years of age

5. You become less concerned with what you are wearing because by the time you have hit 30 years of age, you both know that the love is true and not going to be affected by what the other person wears, unlike before 30.

comics showing love before and after 30 years of age

6. These comics not only define love but also maturity. After you are mature enough, you tend to care more about things that he/she needs rather than just buying things to charm him/her.

comics showing love before and after 30 years of age

7. Parties are never more pleasant and fun than a beautiful sunset.

comics showing love before and after 30 years of age

8. It’s funny how the same person tempts you differently after you are 30 years of age.

comics showing love before and after 30 years of age

9. Comics like these are so true. Before 30, everybody is concerned about getting pregnant and is not the news they want to hear. After 30 however, it’s a thing of joy.

comics showing love before and after 30 years of age

10. The more time you spend with each other, the more comfortable you get with anything. You know you can be yourself next to him/her. That’s what love is.

comics showing love before and after 30 years of age

11. After 30, you just become somebody who is concerned about the future and not somebody who falls in love just because you are the person is creative and it will be fun to stay with him.

comics showing love before and after 30 years of age

12. This is one of the truest comics in this list and it clearly shows the fear of making out, a girl has before 30. The same girl after 30 however, would love to have an encounter.

comics showing love before and after 30 years of age
Credits: BrightSide


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