20 Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple


Life is unexplored. At any point in time, you may have experiences that are worth keeping and at other times the experience might not be that pleasant. When it comes to room-mates you can either be friends or foe. But it’s always a smart idea to have your room-mate as a friend since its beneficial in all situations.

Read More: Couples Confess How Cultural Differences Are Ruining Their Relationship

Let’s see some of the experiences people had while living with a couple!

1.Although it’s not your fault still you will always be a third wheel.

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple


2.Living with a couple sucks if your relationship status is single.

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

3.Jealousy is bound to happen if you are living with a couple.

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

4.This seems to be a love triangle!

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

5.Forever alone are the people who have lost all hope of getting into a relationship. It’s all in the mind.

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

6.If you live with a couple you will have to bear all their tantrums.

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

7.While a couple is busy making out, its worst for you if you are single and watching them. Because that’s all you can possibly do.

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

8.If living with a couple daunts upon you, its time to find a new house.

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

9.If you’ve recently had a breakup and living with a couple, Congratulations! Your life sucks.

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

10.Jealousy is bound to happen. 

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

11.Don’t get yourself mentally disturbed if you live couples. Take it easy.

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

12.Bring pets only if you can take care of them.

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

13.Couples are not always the lovey-dubby types. They have their own ways of showing love.

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

14.It’s better to stay away if your roommates are fighting. You have to face such situations. 

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

15.You can unfortunately not have a love triangle if you are living with couples who are madly in love with each other.

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

16.You need to be stern if your room-mates disturb you! Situations like this can happen. 

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

17.In a democracy, it’s always the majority that has their saying and dominance.

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

18.Find the little joys in the world full of sorrow. That’s the way how you live life.

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

19.Have a control over how much others interfere with your life. If they overdo, it’s your time to throw them out. More power to you!

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple

20.Well, if you are living with a couple and fall for one of them, either vent it out instantaneously or time to find a new house. Simple!

Situations That You Can Face When You Live With A Couple



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