12 Annoying Things You Should Strictly Avoid On Social Media If You Just Got Engaged!


10. Don’t post loads of pictures of you two being adorable

You are getting married and you are not supposed to upload any pictures? No. It’s absolutely fine to post cute pictures of you and your fiance but doing anything extra is always a No No. Try to reduce the no. of posts related to your engagement.

annoying things on social media when you get engaged

11. A flashback every week

People in your timeline know that you are engaged. They don’t need a flashback every time. Even the stalker would know that you are engaged and reminding your friends about it every alternate day is not a good idea.

annoying things on social media when you get engaged

12. “I said yes”

This line is older than my grandma. I have never seen anyone posting a pic with the caption “I said no”. Try something new or express it in a simple way. Not all find this “He proposed and I said yes” annoying but there are some who just hate this.

annoying things on social media when you get engaged <a href = " " >via </a> http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2013-11-19-proposalyes.png

Save yourself from these annoying things and try to avoid being a show off if you can. We know that you just got engaged and wish to post the cute pictures of you and your fiance, but don’t post about it like every day.These annoying things can piss anyone off. Try not to brag about it by posting endless pictures.


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