Artist Maritsa Patrinos Perfectly Illustrates Our Life’s Little Struggles Through Her Relatable Comics!


Life is an amazing experience to live in. Mostly everyone loves the life they have got and when they don’t they try their best to change what they got. Life isn’t perfect though, no matter how hard you try, you cannot make your life perfect. It can be at it’s best but never perfect. Everyone in life has some small struggles they go through every day. For example, a student has the problem of getting up early and going to his school or college, while a working man has the struggle of doing all his work on time and so on. These little struggles in life are what keeps us going as well. They bring us some challenges that we face and move forward in life. Maritsa Patrinos, a comic artist has done a great job depicting these struggles from her art.

Below are some of Maritsa Patrinos’s comics:

I just slept dude, how come?


I think the world is rigged to make us feel more sleepy no matter what amount of sleep you take.

Truer words never were spoken.

As kids, everyone used to just take care of you when you were sick. When we grew up it was you yourself who has to take care of yourself.

Every time someone asks me something.

It’s not just music, like ask me anything and I don’t remember knowing anything about it. It’s not justice!

The ultimate confusion in life.

Never understood this thing. You feel good doing all the unhealthy things but it hurts you. When you do all the healthy things, it makes you better but you don’t feel that good.

Press X for doubt.


If that’s a salad, I want it.

Not crying alone at home.

Crying at a different location, so at least I don’t feel bad about my home.

That evil brains everyone has.


It’s just how everyone is, we have that insect inside us who makes us do these things.

Literally every human daily.

Why does this happen?

Everybody thinks the same.

In case you ever wondered why your plans like these never work.

Parents are just so good to us.



The nostalgia of doing nothing and wasting entire days doing nothing.


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