The Australian Couple Whose Wedding Proposal Surprisingly Made Them Social Media Stars!


It is said ‘marriages are made in heaven.’ Well, don’t know about that but this couple’s marriage was possible only because of social media. Hadn’t it been for social media this Australian couple would have never connected. But that is not it. Their lives completely changed overnight due to social media.

Nickie and Jamie became accidentally famous when their proposal video went viral on the internet.

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That incident inspired them to create a YouTube channel and now they have 1.4 million subscribers. The journey has been complete bliss.

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This Australian couple’s love story is no less than a movie. They met 9 years ago on an old social media site, Myscape. At that time Nikki was a successful model from New York and Jamie was working as a cinematographer, shooting music videos.

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The couple is blessed with a 2-year-old daughter, Ava and newly born, Zoe.

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It was 6 years back when Jamie realised Nikki is the one and he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Nikki has always been a hopeless romantic. She used to watch and share online those cute proposal videos.

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Jamie always knew that he had to do something really big and amazing for his lady love.

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He planned to play a video, which he himself had made, in Federation Square and surprise Nikki. He asked his friend to shoot the entire event so that it can be cherished lifelong.

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They uploaded the video on YouTube for their friends and family to watch. But soon the online community got really interested in the video and it hit 4.6 million likes in a very short time.

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People went crazy over it and they wanted to know more about this Australian couple. Hence, they came up with the idea of vlogging their daily lives.

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In their video, when they have revealed Nikki’s second pregnancy, it got more love from the fans. They are a happy family of four but their online family is growing bigger each day.

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They have never planned for such exposure but they are extremely grateful that viewers love and support them so much.

Viral Australian couple



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