12 Ridiculous Things That Only Happen In Bollywood Movies! #8 Is Literally True!


9. The shirt scene

Does the guy open his shirt on his own? Heck no! There can be a small pin ripping his shirt or even a small pull from someone and this shirt gets ripped off  just perfectly showing his abs and biceps and what not! Who makes these shirts for gods sake?

Ridiculously Absurd Things That Only Happen In Bollywood Movies
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10. No dark circles

The girl could be kidnapped for several weeks or the guy could be starving and getting beaten-up for days but when they are finally free, WOW! those faces, so beautiful! Fuuh,only normal people get dark circles just by watching TVs not them who just survived an apocalypse.

Ridiculously Absurd Things That Only Happen In Bollywood Movies

11. The bomb survival

Don’t you worry peeps, whichever wire the guys cuts would be the correct one? Have you ever seen an actor blow up while defusing a bomb in the history of Bollywood movies ? Obviously not! Next time you get this scene, don’t you worry, it’ll be all right.

Ridiculously Absurd Things That Only Happen In Bollywood Movies

12. It’s all about happy endings

ANNND, they live happily ever after, even if one had already died decades ago or even if the funeral was held right in front of everyone. The dead can return, 3rd level of cancer can be cured just by one Pooja and paralysis is just a pass-time until he has to fight someone. It’s all about miracles peeps!

Ridiculously Absurd Things That Only Happen In Bollywood Movies



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