10 Characters You Will Find In Every Indian IT Company


We all have to do something to fill our bank accounts and some of us get into IT sector for the same! When you enter a typical IT company you will find that it is home to different weirdos. And these weirdos make it bearable those 9 and odd hours in an office .

People obviously are different from one another. However, there are certain varieties we often find in an IT company. Find out which category do you belong to…

1. The “Yes Boss” kinds 

If the boss says laugh, they will laugh, if the boss says sit they will sit, if the boss says stand, they will stand! I wonder even they take permission before going to loo! Their answer always will be – “YES BOSS”

types of characters in every indian IT company
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2. The Free stuff user

Phone, Internet, WiFi, Stationary items… Shh(in some cases toilet papers too!)

types of characters in every indian IT company
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3. The Chai-Sutta lovers

They want tea break every 5 minutes. Literally!

types of characters in every indian IT company
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