Crazy Girlfriend Texts A Picture Of Her Half Shaved Head To Her Boyfriend And He Loses It! 


Your girlfriend texts you a picture of her half shaved head. What do you do? Freaking the fvck out would not be crazy and many surprised boyfriends would do that. Then there would be denial, some more anger, threats of breaking up and finally defeat. And yes! This really happened! This girl seriously freaked her boyfriend out!

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All Hell Broke Loose When Jared’s Girlfriend, Amanda Sent This Crazy Photo Of Her Half Shaved Head To Him. 

Crazy half shaved girlfriend


Jared or Sir Jaredeth as his girlfriend calls him got an unexpected text which only contained a picture. A picture of his girlfriend looking like a 70 year old man merged with the body of a 20 year old. Imagine his shock!

Judging From His Reaction, I Think It’s Safe To Assume That This Isn’t The First Time She Has Pulled A Crazy One On Poor Jared. 

Crazy half shaved girlfriend


Sir Jaredeth goes crazy and drops a ton of F-bombs on his now half shaved girlfriend in quick succession. I mean, can you blame this guy? He was obviously pissed! He was probably freaking out thinking about waking up next to an old man who has possessed his girlfriend’s body.

He Got So Frustrated That He Started Typing Gibberish Texts. And A Kiss From His Half Shaved Girlfriend Wasn’t Doing Him Any Good. On The Contrary, He Started Slipping Into Denial Faster Than Before. 

Crazy half shaved girlfriend


So what could possibly be the reason of this crazy transformation? What drove this girlfriend to this? Jared was dying to know. And so are we.

Jared Still Can’t Believe His Girlfriend Is Doing This To Him. 

Crazy half shaved girlfriend


And he doesn’t care what awareness she were doing at work. He’s scarred. He’s scarred for life.

To Cement Her Excuse For This Horrifying Transformation, She Sent Jared A Photo Of Her Co-Worker. But Poor Jared Is Still In Denial. 

Crazy half shaved girlfriend


This is indeed a nightmare. A nightmare from which you can never wake up. More like a daymare.

This Girl Is A Pure Sadist! She Keeps Dragging This Charade On And On.. 

Crazy half shaved girlfriend


Meanwhile, Jared is starting to get it.
If I Was Jared. I’d Be Mad With Murderous Rage Too. 

Crazy half shaved girlfriend


FVCK JASMINE! Who the hell does she think she is?

Meanwhile, Our Little Trimmer Happy Girl Is Indulging In Sadism Again. 

Crazy half shaved girlfriend


Ew that’s disgusting! You want him to leave you or what?

Just As I Predicted. He’s Back Into Denial Again. Poor Jaredeth. 

Crazy half shaved girlfriend


Lucky for Jared, his girl Amanda had not shaved her head. She just pranked him using an app. After taking these hilarious screenshots. She put them on imgur for us to see. I’m convinced that she’s a pure sadist. After all, it takes one to know one.

*evil smile*


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