Most Dangerous & Powerful Commandos Around The World


Commandos are basically a team of very highly trained military people who are assigned missions according to the interests of the country. One cannot deny the fact that commandos can get really dangerous if the country demands them to. In order for you to be aware, here is a list of the most dangerous and powerful commandos around the world. The list is not in any order.

1. SSG – Pakistan

powerful commandos


SSG stands for Special Services Group and this team of Commandos has performed many operations which include the operation Gibraltar, which led to the Indo-Pak war back in 1965.

2. GIS – Italy

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This is one of the most elite special forces in Italy. Many counter-terrorism operations have been performed by them and they are definitely dangerous.

3. GIGN – Francepowerful commandosvia

This team is specially known for the very famous hostage rescue mission where the commandos rescued a hijacked flight saving more than 200 passengers’ lives.

4. EKO Cobra – Austria

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The EKO Cobra uses weapons made in Austria itself such as Steyr and Glocks.

5. JW Grom – Poland

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This is the finest counter-terrorism unit of commandos in Poland and it completely makes sense why. In just 13 years from 1991 to 2004, this team was involved in 20 counter-terrorism and peace missions.

6. Sayeret Matkal – Israel

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The model of Sayaret Matkal was inspired by the British Army’s special air service. All the specially trained commandos make a good team, overall.

7. MARCOS – India

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This team was initially known as the Marine Commando Force but has also got the name – “Dadiwala Fuji” which loosely translates to be “Bearded Army”. The main reason for this name is because they disguise themselves using beards in civil areas.

8. Special Air Service Regiment – Australia

powerful commandos


Anti-terrorism and peacekeeping are the two of the kinds of operations they mainly carry out.

9. Alpha Group – Russia

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This group was formed to carry out paramilitary and covert operations. The commandos are as aggressive as it looks.

10. SAS – United Kingdom

powerful commandos


This is one of the oldest forces serving Britain and the best, as well. Formed in 1941, this team comprises some of the best commandos in the world.


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