16 Best Quotes By Don Draper From Mad Men That Will Blow Your Mind!


Ever made such a razor sharp comment that made your opponent speechless? If yes, then high five friends. In case your answer is no, then this article is for you. I’m definitely a Don Draper fan, if not Mad Men in particular. At times, you have no choice left rather than snapping back at your rival (read: situations) with a witty comment that could pass the ball in your court. Take a look at some of the best quotes by Don Draper!

Here are some of the best quotes by Don Draper from Mad Men that will blow your mind!

#1 Simplicity is good, significant is best!

best quotes by don draper of Mad Men


#2 What you call love was in by guys like me to sell nylon- Don Draper

best quotes by Don Draper from Mad Menvia

#3 If somebody is dragging you into unnecessary conversations, time to change the topic. 

best quotes by Don Draper from Mad Menvia

#4 Because we only see what we want to see. 

best quotes by Don Draper from Mad Menvia


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