15 Most Deepest And Even Embarrassing Secrets You Can Only Tell Your Bestie


Indeed, friends are life. We love them a lot because they understand us more than anyone. They’re our soul mates and therefore, it’s obligatory to tell them all of your secrets. Also, there are a couple of embarrassing secrets we can’t tell anyone but our bestie.

Because your bestie never judges you for your embarrassing sh*ty secrets. They love us unconditionally and stand with us when we need them the most. This is why we share our secrets with no one else but them.

If you tell these embarrassing secrets to your bestie then you have surely got a strong bond, no one can ever break! So, never let go of such a bestie because we’re living in a time where it’s almost impossible to find a true friend. Hold on to that jerk and irritate him/her for the rest of your life.

1. When was the last time you brushed your teeth?

embarrassing secrets bestie


It’s pretty embarrassing but not in front of your bestie.

2. How much money do you have for bad times? And where?

embarrassing secrets bestie


Because all besties have this urge to put their nose in your business.

3. Yes, the date with your love is too secret

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And no one other than your bestie needs to know.

4. Your passwords!

embarrassing secrets bestie


Passwords for passwords is a significant rule of friendship.

5. How many selfies you had to take for the perfect one you could post!

embarrassing secrets bestie


Selfies for life! Peace!

6. The truth about which you lied to everyone

embarrassing secrets bestie


Soul-mates know everything. 


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