Girls Shared The Weirdest Things Their Ex-Boyfriends Did


A girl started this thread where she asked the internet users to share what is the weirdest thing their ex-lovers have done. She did not think her post would go viral and she will get so many responses.

1. Desperate attempts to reconcile

weirdest things ex-boyfriends did


One of the lovers always tries to find a way to make amends.

2. Seriously, that was his excuse?

weirdest things ex-boyfriends did


I think he anyway wanted to play so didn’t even go through the effort to come up with a good excuse.

3. Stay away when he is drunk

weirdest things ex-boyfriends did


People do the weirdest things when they get to drink too much. It is better to leave them alone until the morning.

4. This is how you close the accounts

weirdest things ex-boyfriends did


He knew where the date was headed, so he wanted to clear off the checks.

5. Best revenge

weirdest things ex-boyfriends did


Mostly boyfriends take up a lot of effort to click pictures for their girls. You have to admit click the best photos. Now deleting all of the good pictures from Instagram is really heartbreaking.

6. I feel bad for the guy

weirdest things ex-boyfriends did


He is sweet to be so considerate. He just had an honest reason.

7. He needs some anger management classes

weirdest things ex-boyfriends did


I hope the ex-boyfriend did not post it online. People often tend to do that when they are holding a lot of grudges.

8. Lamest excuse

weirdest things ex-boyfriends did


It is good that she broke up with him. No one should end up with such a dumbo. You should not be with a liar and even if he is honest drug dealers should be off your list.

9. The weirdest thing happened

weirdest things ex-boyfriends did


Mum is so concerned about her little baby getting kidnapped.

10. He took things way too far

weirdest things ex-boyfriends did


Don’t you think you should be fined for that?

11. He took his last chance

weirdest things ex-boyfriends did


To what extents people go to get over a heartbreak.

12. That was not the only apartment he was sharing

weirdest things ex-boyfriends did


I wish she had checked his phone earlier. She could have saved a year of humiliation.


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