Logos Of The Famous Companies: Then And Now


A company must always evolve with the change in a generation to keep its legacy intact. A company is known by its name and logo. That is their identification and even that needs to change with years. So here are some famous logos which have undergone drastic changes.

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1. Apple

famous logos then and now

The first brand logo was an apple falling from a tree drawing upon Isaac Newton’s discovery of gravity. And now it is changed to the famous bitten apple.

2. Mozilla Firefox

famous logos then and now

The logo they started with was a Phoenix but then they realised it was already trademarked with another company. So they changed it to a fox.

3. Starbucks

famous logos then and now

The current logo just seems a censored version of the previous one.

4. Google

famous logos then and now

The first ever logo of Google was designed by its Co-Founder, Sergey Brin using a free graphics program GIMP. The logo we see now is a more aesthetic and simplified version of the first one.

5. Amazon

famous logos then and now

I think the present logo fits better the characteristic of the company. The previous one was a big A which can also be perceived as a mountain through which comes down a river.

6. Walt Disney

famous logos then and now

Both the logos look really similar. They have just removed the word ‘Walt’ and made the font style more animated.

7. Volkswagen

famous logos then and now

This company’s logo has gone through a lot of changes and the present one is the simplest form.

8. Nokia

famous logos then and now

The first logo had the image of a fish, which is inspired by salmon fish available in the Nokianvirta River.

9. Coca-Cola

famous logos then and now

The first ever logo they finalized was in a very simple format. Later they adopted the Spencerian script logo.

10. Canon

famous logos then and now

The name of their company was Kwanon.

11. KFC

famous logos then and now

Previously they had the full name in their logo.

12. Snapchat

famous logos then and now

You cannot spot a lot of differences in both the logos. I wonder why they have removed the face from it.


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