15 Guy Logics That Hold True For Every Male Stereotype


Neither is a man from Mars nor a woman from Venus, but definitely, both their brains and logics are wired differently.  A male is more stereotype and has its own logics, a cliche which is true for him like his ability to achieve results or goals, success, and accomplishments, proves his competence and that makes him feel good about himself. As per the logics of the guy, this is a symbol of efficiency and power. In fact, it’s true that a male is more interested in objects and things rather than people and feelings.

They are more aggressive than women, more combative and territorial and their self-esteem is more career-related, it’s also true that they feel devastated by failure and financial setbacks, obsessed about money much more than women, all this proves the stereotype of a guy logics.

also, read Thoughts A Guy Has About His Girlfriend’s Butts!

We bring you 15 guy logics that are true for every male stereotype. Have fun!

1. Guys always find alcohol to be a true companion and holds a lot of sentimental value.

guy logics true stereotype


2. A male doesn’t need much time and too many things to prepare and get ready, before venturing out.

guy logics true stereotype


3. A guy is very quick in convincing himself of anything, that it’s okay for him, even if it’s chicken wings!

guy logics true stereotype


4. Guys are more logical, analytical, rational, vulnerable. Women are always trying to change them.

guy logics true stereotype


5. Guys assume women want advice and solutions to problems, women want someone to sincerely listen to them.

guy logics true stereotype


6. Guys need to receive trust, acceptance, appreciation, admiration, approval, and encouragement all the time.

guy logics true stereotype



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