20 Epic Blonde Fails That Will Put Other Blondes To Shame!


God made humans, he made trees, air, water, and well you know the rest. But even God makes some mistakes every now and then. These mistakes are usually referred to as Blondes. And you clearly have no idea how far this can go! Have a look at these epic blonde fails yourself!

Here are 20 epic blonde fails that will put other blondes to shame!

1. That is not how you hold an arrow lady. But you will not understand, so, nevermind!

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2. It will not take a genius to decipher who the person at the other end is!

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3. Will somebody please explain to this young lady how things work in the uterus!

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4. How could a telescope beat the eyes of a hawk?!

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5. I’m not really sure what they’re trying to do. But something tells me they want a picture!

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6. At least the guests were spared from the horrid singing!

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7. Looks like your feet missed the tan!

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8. Way to go girl! Oh, wait a sec, is that?!

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