Gynecologists Share The Most Annoying Habits Of Their Patients’ That Makes Them Cringe


Gynecologists don’t have the most desired job in the world even though we think that they do! I mean just imagine staring the entire day inspecting your patients’ private part at such a close proximity is not an easy job. There are patients’ and with them comes their annoying habits that even makes the gynecologists cringe. When you think about the gynecologist’s profession, you probably think most of them are males so they must have the time of their lives doing what they do! But when this theory is put into practice, it doesn’t look good due so some annoying habits of the patients’.

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So let’s get to know some of the most annoying habits of the patients’ that the gynecologists have to bear and it irritates them!

1.When their patients’ insist on bringing their better half or boyfriend with them inside!

Gynecologists Share The Most Annoying Habits Of Their Patients’

You’re a grown up girl. Do you need anyone to still hold your hand? We don’t want you so he shouldn’t worry about that either.

2.When they are not so comfortable with the male doctor but still won’t say it

Gynecologists Share The Most Annoying Habits Of Their Patients’

If you have a problem with a male gyno just ask for a female doctor. It’s just this simple, girls!

3.When they cancel their appointments just because it’s that time of their month

Gynecologists Share The Most Annoying Habits Of Their Patients’

Ladies they work on vagina’s all the time. Just because you are bleeding a little isn’t going to make any difference. 


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