Happy Father’s Day! Thank-you Dad For Always Being There!


Dads-The reason why we daughters could grow up to fend for ourselves. The reason we knew we too had a right to stand and speak for ourselves. For our fathers, our superheroes, raised us to be the ‘strong independent women’ of our society.

Thank you, fathers, for believing in us. There can never be any man greater than you in our lives. With each passing day, you have imbibed in us a part of you. We grew up to be your ‘big girl’ but we regret you growing old.

This Father’s Day, on behalf of the daughters, I write this Thank-You note for all the wonderful Dads out there. We love you for all that you do for us.

For those words of wisdom.

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The gray hairs did not lie. Neither did you when you said you had seen life at its best and worst. Those lessons you taught us to make up for the human spirit contained in our being. Your words of wisdom have helped us to shape our life better. Whatever goodness we have, we owe it to you.

For teaching us how to be self-dependent.

Anjelica Huston at sixteen. with her father, John Huston ~ 1967:
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Behind every successful daughter is a Dad who believed in her and not in others’ opinion. For you, we were never less than your son. From teaching us how to ride a bicycle to making us capable of buying a car ourselves, you made sure your princess could go out, compete in a men’s world and fend for herself.

For letting us choose our career.

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No, we weren’t dictated by our career choices. We were listened to. Understood. And then let to do what we felt was good for us.

For taking our side when we fought with Mom.

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You know it is impossible to win over your Mom but not when Dad is on your side. When Mom was against our decisions, you pursued, trusting us with all your heart.


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