Harsh Truth On How Girlfriends Are Abusing Their Boyfriends With Violence


7. Always apologetic

Abusers are always apologetic and very quick in changing the game. They will act very guilty and sweet before the day ends and convince that it won’t happen again, a very good actress.

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8. Mood swings

Many abusing is on account of anger and frustrations, but most of them are created to scare the boyfriends’. Hence the person who has hit the roof, no one will dare to go to that level and will always lie low, this is exactly what she wants.

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9. Controlling finances

She will try to control the money part, making sure that he doesn’t go spending overboard and will insist on a joint account, even the credit cards she will keep in her possession, an act of non-physical violence.

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10. Self-Satisfaction

When she’s in the mood for $3x, she will force herself on him, even though he is not in the mood, for whatever reasons. She will try to pile on him, force an erection and ride him, till she comes, then she just turns her back and off to sleep. This tendency is in most men, but it exists in all abusive girlfriends.

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11. Endless Chaos

She love’s violence and conflict, all that stress, and drama charge her up. Intentionally she will start arguments and conflicts, just to avoid intimacy or be made to feel inferior. She will pick up fights and wait for the reaction from her partner so that she can label him as abusive, which will make her the victim. This is her defense mechanism harsh tactics.

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12. A Little Free Advice To Boyfriends’

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also, read 15 Situations Every Woman Can Totally Relate To!


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