12 Inoffensive Things You Could Have Never Guessed Can Kill You. 


Too much of everything is harmful. A few daily things like water or even food which seem totally inoffensive comprises the power to kill.

1. Letting someone blow air into your vagina.

Inoffensive things to kill you


Ever thought this inoffensive a thing can kill you? Even if you decide to take a syringe full of air and blow it into your vagina for fun, be ready to die. When air is blown at a sufficient force it leads to fatal air embolism, which is the outcome of air bubbles getting into your bloodstream.

2. Dryer lint.

Inoffensive things to kill you


Due to overuse, lint can build up in your dryer which further results in overheating and eventually fire.

3. 120 cups of coffee.

Inoffensive things to kill you


If you ever think of a bet which involves drinking coffee as much as you can, don’t do it. Coffee might seem inoffensive and good for making you feel alert but it has a dark side too. Too much caffeine can cause a lot of problems like insomnia, dizziness, vomiting and heart problems, at times can be deadly too.

4. Six litres of water.

Inoffensive things to kill you


Excess of water in and around body cells is known to be water intoxication or hyponatremia. When this happens with the brain cells the tightly packed neurons cannot accommodate extra water, leading to various neurological problems, headaches confusion seizures and sometimes even death.

5. Tylenol.

Inoffensive things to kill you


Or for that matter, an overdose of any acetaminophen is sure to kill you This ingredient is present in so many medicines that it can accidentally lead to an overdose. According to a research, there are about 60,000 cases every year of liver damage caused by acetaminophen.

6. Swimming pool, lakes, bathtubs or any water body literally.

Inoffensive things to kill you


No matter how inoffensive and life-giving it looks, water is killer. Drowning is the third biggest cause of death from unintentional injury in the world.

7. 13 shots of alcohol in rapid succession.

Inoffensive things to kill you


We already know what over drinking can cause us. But excess drinking in a very short time can cause alcohol to clog that part of our brains which are responsible for breathing and consciousness.

8. 85 chocolate bars.

Inoffensive things to kill you


Although eating that much of chocolate at once is not possible, if you are going for this just remember the potentially deadly dose of any “inoffensive” chocolate can kill you.

9. Pressure washers.

Inoffensive things to kill you


Due to the super high pressure with which it sprays the water, if it accidentally gets pointed at a person it can cause serious wounds. It also includes other dangers like carbon monoxide poisoning, electric shock or when it hits small objects it can turn them into dangerous projectiles.

10. Minor cuts and scratches.

Inoffensive things to kill you


They might seem inoffensive and an important in the beginning but if not washed properly might lead to sepsis.

11. Eating food.

Inoffensive things to kill you


Remember when President George W. Bush choked on a pretzel? How inoffensive that sounds! Choking is the eighth most common cause of accidental injury death according to a report. Hot dogs are especially dangerous.

12. Apple seeds.

Inoffensive things to kill you


An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But what about the seeds which we accidentally might intake? The seeds contain trace amounts of sugar cyanide compound that turns into lethal toxin hydrogen cyanide enough to kill you when processed in the body.


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