12 Most Bizarre Photos You Will Ever See On The Internet.


7.Baby cage
This is one of the worst inventions of al time. According to time magazine’s worst invention of all times, this was the worst product from the 9030’s in the UK. It was designed for city apartment dwellers to help take care of the baby. I guess changing diapers of the babies was not a widely accepted transit at that time.
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8.Family fun
If there exist the world where there exist no social etiquettes, this family would fit right in it. Is this seriously true? What were their parents thinking while doing this? They really think this is appropriate and fun to wear in front of their children?
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Again! What is happening in the world today? I don’t like body paint as much as this guy, well I really don’t believe that rainbow does down the gutter, I would have just flushed him if I were there!
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