15 Most Ironic Things That Will Force You To Think Twice


Irony is everywhere. We are all surrounded by ironic things that are lurking around in a hope of getting captured on the camera. Not only we ordinary people, but even the most famous personalities have suffered what it feels like when irony hits. For example, Charlie Chaplin lost the Charlie Chaplin look-alike competition. Don’t bother to think how it is possible, just hop in some ironic things that have ever happened. And I bet, they will make you think twice!


1. Employment Rate

Most Ironic Things You Have Ever Heard About

It is difficult to get an employment at Walmart (2.6% Employment Rate), then Harvard University undergraduates (8.9% Employment Rate).


2. Lighter Before Matchsticks

Most Ironic Things You Have Ever Heard About

Matchsticks were invented after the invention of lighter. Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner invented the fire lighter in 1823, while John Walker invented matchsticks in 1826.


3. The Unknown Inventer

Most Ironic Things You Have Ever Heard About

It is still a mystery who invented the fire hydrant, because the building holding the patent information got burned down in 1836.


4. He Didn’t!

Most Ironic Things You Have Ever Heard About

Barry Manilow recorded a song in 1976 titled “I Write The Songs”. He didn’t write it.


5. Ah, The Beatles!

Most Ironic Things You Have Ever Heard About

A memorial tree dedicated to the Beatle band member George Harrison was killed in 2014 by the infestation of beetles.


6. Celebration Gone Wrong!

Most Ironic Things You Have Ever Heard About

One of the most ironic things happened in 1985, when a man drowned in a pool party organized by New Orleans lifeguards. The party was to celebrate ‘no drownings’ that year. Made you think twice?


7. Weird Case of Beard.

Most Ironic Things You Have Ever Heard About

ZZ Top band has only one member that doesn’t have a beard, and it’s Frank Beard.


8. Ditching each other

Most Ironic Things You Have Ever Heard About

A Bosnian couple divorced in 2007 once they got to know that they were cheating on each other, by secretly dating one another.


9. Fate.

Most Ironic Things You Have Ever Heard About

A convicted murderer Michael Godwin had his death sentence reduced to lifetime imprisonment. Soon after this, he was electrocuted to death while fixing the TV in his cell.


10. Segways showed the Death-way!

Most Ironic Things You Have Ever Heard About

Jimi Heselden was a proud owner of a company which makes Segways. He died while driving the Segway off a cliff.


11. Match.com

Most Ironic Things You Have Ever Heard About

The most ironic things include the founder of Match.com Gary Kremen, who lost his wife to a guy she met on Match.com. Waw!


12. A 1/4 irony.

Most Ironic Things You Have Ever Heard About

They sell the hat claiming it to be one gallon, while it can only hold 3/4 of a gallon. You f*cking liers!


13. Mass Killing!

Most Ironic Things You Have Ever Heard About

Austrian army attacked itself in 1788 and killed 10,000 men. Your own men? Seriously?


14. Pronounce this

Most Ironic Things You Have Ever Heard About

This is amazing and will make you think twice as well. You know what is the fear of pronouncing long words called Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia.
Good luck with that!


15. Oh, Orlando!

Most Ironic Things You Have Ever Heard About

Homeless are banned from sleeping on the benches in Orlando. But a statue of sleeping Jesus was just installed there. Umm, okay!


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