Mind Bending Inventions That Defies Imaginations


We all know our lives these days is fast paced. There’s just so little time to experience anything as we are so rammed up with everything our lifestyle demands from us. Your phone gets a new update but you are hardly bothered to check what new features or facilities your phone will have. The same goes for other machinery stuffs, upgrades, updates – no one has time to check what’s new.


Once in a while though, comes a invention that emboldens even the most busiest of minds. The level of these inventions is so high, that one wants to take it home just for the sake of calmness it brings with ownership. The beauty of these invitations lies not only in providing enhanced comfort level but also in contributing in a sustainable way to the environment.

We have compiled a comprehensive list of such mind bending inventions that would definitely make you teach for your wallet.

Edible Water Blob

Imagine how much our environment can benefit from eliminating the plastic waste involved in packaged drinking water bottles! Yuka Yoneda!s innovative pocket sized water bottle uses Sodium Alginate and salts to form a liquid with soft membrane.

Image result for edible water podsVia

Paper ‘Eco’ Helmets


The innovative, foldable paper helmet provides the same amount of protection as a standard helmets. The best part of these paper helmets is that it is completely recyclable and doesn’t harms the environment in any way. The inventors of these helmets are also onto getting it into vending machines at various rental stations for easy access.


Flying Hover bikes
Imagine the upper hand our cops could have with chasing the bad guys if they could just fly?
Well, A Russian company Hoversurf has come up with something to aid just that. The Scorpion-3, electric-powered, single seater Hover bike can pretty much surf through air and can be used in day to day patrolling activities.


Robot bartenders

‘Carl’, the robotic bartender is pretty much the real deal. Built by engineer Ben Schaefer, this sweet boy can mix and serve cocktails while maintaining conversations with customers. The robotic bartender concept has also been adapted by The Royal Caribbean Cruise, where two robots make and serve all kinds of drinks.

Foldable TV Sets


The notion of foldable television sets stayed no longer just a concept when LG rolled out its version of rollable and foldable TV sets. Post LG’s success, Samsung dipped its toes in launching foldable TV’s as well.



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