5 Insane Sacrifices Of Mothers To Protect Their Kids


5 Insane Sacrifices Of Mothers To Protect Their Kids

Your mom is your superwoman, first love of your life – a complete package. She will become a soldier in the war-field, or be a maid for you when you are sick and is willing to risk her life for you – at least some mothers would.


1- A Mother Jumped From The Balcony to Act as a cushion for her baby – 

In May 2014, 23-year-old Christina Simoes was trapped in her apartment in Haverhill, Massachusetts with her 18-month-old son Cameron while a raging fire climbed the walls. Since all the exits were blocked, the only option left for her was to jump off her balcony. She nestled her son in her soft front parts and decided to jump on her back, the worst option, though, but there was  no choice..!!! She was only thinking about her child and doing so her back detonated against the pavement.


She was told she would never be able to walk again.

Although Simoes was blessed, as she started walking after an excruciating surgery funded by GoFundMe campaign.


 2- A Mother Throws Herself on Train Track To Protect Her Kids – 


Imagine yourself on a subway with your kid in a stroller and turning your back for and second and next what you see is your kid on the track of an upcoming train – ah such a nightmare, but this is what happened actually in London subways in 2014. A gush of wind moved the stroller onto the tracks and not a second after seeing, the woman jumped onto  tracks to save her child. Thankfully both mother and child were saved…!!!!

–A peek at the footage below —



3- Mom who threw herself under car for her children – 

During a family vacation- Joy Veron stepped out of her car while her children still being inside and not realizing that the brake wasn’t fully on. The SUV began to roll backward to an inconveniently located  cliff. Joy ran in front of it, but a human body wasn’t enough to stop an SUV rolling down freely and joy landed under the car. Though it slowed down the SUV enough so that her father could catch down and hit breaks.


Joy is stuck with a wheelchair for the lifetime but her kids survived.


4- This Indian Mom Saves Child From Landslide, Child’s Crying Then Save Others-


In July 2014 due to heavy rainfall in a place in India, in a village 100’s of people were killed. There could’ve been more, if  it hadn’t been for Pramila Lemde’s  child.


Pramila Lemde suddenly heard an extreme sound of  thunder while feeding Rudra.  Taking quick action she covered her child and then the mudslide overtook them. They had been trapped there for 8 hours, until Rudra started crying and rescue team came to their help, rescuing Rudra, his mom and much more.

Hadn’t it been Rudra’s mom saving him,, they all would’ve died.


5- A Mother Saved Her Kids From Category 4 Tornado – Got Punctured Lungs, Broken Ribs and Both Ruined Legs – 

During a Tornado, one is supposed to go to the basement and cover oneself up with some sort of protective things, but this tornado was not any normal tornado that would just blow out few things and all, this was category 4 tornado that can peel out your skin and let it land on some other state( category 5 is considered highest).


Decker threw a blanket over her kids and laid on top of it, thinking that soft cotton and supple human flesh would be enough to bear both the forces of Tornado and of an entire house crashing down on top of them. Fortunately, she was right … kind of. The storm destroyed their house, but both children were spared without injury. Decker took the full brunt of the collapsing debris on her body, mostly her legs. When the tornado passed, Decker was pinned under the rubble. She sent her children to seek help, but she fully expected that she was going to die.


Soon the rescue team came and found her with a punctured lung, broken ribs, and two ruined legs. Decker now uses Prosthetic legs.

Image Credits: abcnews.go.com


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