12 Hilarious Breakup Texts That Are Just Down Right Painful


Painful Breakup Texts

Many a time we have to face a situation where we are dating someone and everything is going very well in our lives. We are loving our life and everything seems so beautiful. But time changes everything. With the passage of time, your relationship has to go through a number of moments which sometimes leads to breakups. You want to get rid of your partner but you are not getting any possible way for getting out of it. The easiest thing to do in this situation is to do breakup through texts in which you do not have to face or listen to your partner.

But sometimes breakup texts can be very humiliating and sometimes they are painful.

Here are some of the very painful breakup texts for which you will be thankful to god that you haven’t received those.

1. Breakup with Examples

Painful Breakup Texts


You can’t imagine the impact of this breakup on the person who received it. You may find this hilarious but it is really painful. The Girl is such a fool that she is not understanding the signs of breakup but trying to be romantic.

2. Materialistic Love

Painful Breakup Texts


This will make you laugh out loud. He loves his X-box more than his partner. The breaking of X-box is a big thing for him than breakup as he is showing concern for the thing but her cheating doesn’t matter at all.

3. Breakup Wish

Painful Breakup Texts


What a moment for the person who received that text! He was planning for marriage and life-long relationship but received such a painful reply. He might have died of shock after reading that.


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