12 Things Parents Need Not Say To Their Kid… Ever!


Kids are sometimes a trouble to handle yet they are the most innocent creature. Things which happens around them makes an impact on their minds as well. There are many things which parents need to keep in mind while they are talking to kids. Parents think that they should not say everything to their kids. This raises more curiosity in their kid.

So here are 12 common things parents tell their kid, which they need not say but they usually do, when they are annoyed.


“Nobody wants a kid like you”
Kid- Maybe, but what can I do now, I didn’t have a choice either.

Things Not Say To Your Kid... Ever!

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You need not say a straight away No. Don’t be too dominating. Try to explain things. This is how kids learn.

Things Not Say To Your Kid... Ever!

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“I do everything for you”
Even you know that’s a lie. Even if you want to, You can’t.

Things Not Say To Your Kid... Ever!

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