People Recall The Weirdest Experience They Had With Strangers.


Ever had a complete stranger hiss at you? Or tried sweet talking you into his car? Well these people had the misfortune of bumping into such weird strangers who gave them an experience they’ll never forget.

1. Chivalry Is Not Dead. 

weird strangers


“My mom, an addict of drugs (we still aren’t sure which but we think speed is one of them), was walking down the street when she saw a homeless guy pandering for change. She gave him a dollar. The man looked at her and gave her two dollars back with the words, ‘you need this more than me.'”

2. Some Strangers Are So Weird That They Hiss At You When Threatened. 

weird strangers


“I was walking home one night a few years back past an older mill/factory in my town. Then, a white pickup truck swerved into the parking lot, and a man jumped out of the car and started quickly limping towards the woods behind it while making panicked sounds. I looked back over to the truck and saw a guy in the driver’s seat, completely bald and with no eyebrows. He leaned out of the window and began hissing at me like a cat.”

3. And Some Strangers Are So Weird That They Bark. 

weird strangers


“I was leaving a grocery store with my mom once when a guy entering started barking. I thought he was being rude so I barked back, he just smiled. When we got in the car my mom said he probably had turrets cause that was a symptom of it. I felt really bad about it.” 


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