Photos Of Popular Destinations That Will Destroy Your Expectations


Travelling is definitely one of the most amazing things to do. There are many popular destinations around the world that almost everyone knows about because of the beauty of the place or a specific structure. People have seen those places in movies and books which is the reason why their expectations are different from the reality. Here are some photos of popular destinations that are going to absolutely destroy all the expectations you had of the places:

1. The Leaning Tower Of Pisa

reality of popular destinations


reality of popular destinations


Who does not know about this famous pose that almost everyone visiting this place wants to do? This is the reason why the place becomes so congested that clicking the perfect photo becomes difficult. In this picture, look at the other people trying to nail the same pose. Getting the camera angle right, in such a crowded place is of course, difficult.

2. Beach At Rio de Janerio, Brazil

reality of popular destinations


reality of popular destinations


Brazil is full of amazing looking sea beaches and popular destinations where tourists love to spend their time. However, in reality, the crowd there, is always so much that enjoying the beauty of the beach becomes impossible.

3. Mount Everest

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reality of popular destinations


Mountain climbing is a very cool thing to do, but is definitely not as easy as it looks in the pictures. There is a traffic of climbers all the time trying to get to their moment of glory.

4. The Great Wall Of China

reality of popular destinations


reality of popular destinations


One of the most popular destinations is this 13,171 miles long wall which was built by the first emperor of China. Movies have shown this many a times but never showed the crowd that is always there walking along the great Wall of China.

5. The Pyramids Of Egypt

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reality of popular destinations


If you think of getting a good solo picture at these popular destinations of the world, let me get this straight, it is very difficult. A bunch of people are always in the waiting lines to get an opportunity to go inside the pyramids.

6. Eiffel Tower

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reality of popular destinations


Everyone would love to have romantic picture in front of the Eiffel Tower. The place however, is almost always filled with locals and tourists.


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