12 Pictures That Have No Explanation And Will Make You Say “What The Hell?”


Internet is a ware house of weird pictures. Some of the pictures are so weird that they have no explanation whatsoever. These pictures will leave you with no other option that shouting “What the Hell”. Beware, this picture may make your brain extremely uncomfortable and numb.

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12 Pictures that have no explanation whatsoever and will make you say “What the Hell?”.

1. Can this mishap be considered under the policy of water damage? Because he is definitely going to need an insurance to pay the bills. Also, he is going to have a hard time explaining how the windshield broke in the first place.

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2. What kind of face transplant is this? Well, this guy is living is 3017. Scientists are yet to discover this technology that will help in transplanting a face of a dog on human beings.

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3. This is mammoth and definitely looks awesome. This is indeed a deadly combo. What else do you want in life? There is a pizza, a burger and a lot of things whose names are not known to me. Well, but who would buy this?

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4. This strawberry has no explanation whatsoever. This is really one weird strawberry. It just looks like a strawberry gone under a hydraulic belt. 

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5. Wow, this is such a beautiful exercise to do every day. I can do this every day, obviously.

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6. This is a wonderful stack of pizzas. What the hell is this and where can I purchase this beautiful stack?

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7. This is just not fair. Actually, this is a kind of animal abuse.

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8. This woman seems very desperate for love. She must have been single for all her life. We can clearly see that from her attempts to catch that.

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9. Alas, at least he has passed a majority of his life. So, even if some kind of problem occurs, it will not affect him much.

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10. What the hell?

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11. The residents felt like they were sinking into the ground the whole day. Now they know why they felt like that. 

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12. She is either very flexible or needs an exorcist. She was probably even in the movie. Oh Darn, she is probably going to come in my nightmares.

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