12 Random Facts About Urine You Wouldn’t Have Imagines


4. Pee shows a window to your overall health

It provides vital information about your kidney and heart health and your liver function. And the number of bathroom trips you take can also signal health issues. Like a Jaundice suffering person has different characteristics than a normal healthy person.


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5. Smelly Urine isn’t bad always

What you eat is the basic factor leading to smell and the secondary if your urine smells like this get it checked:

• A smell of ammonia could indicate dehydration.
• A musty smell might mean liver disease.
• A foul smell could indicate a bladder infection.
• A sweet smell could mean diabetes.


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6. Pee is sterile

This means it can’t rot but only in the bladder. But as soon as it leaves your body, it can pick up bacteria from the urethra and air.


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