Real Superhero: Guy Dresses Up As Batman, Rescues Poor Animals & Finds Them Home!


Meet 27-year-old Chris Van Dorn, the hero we don’t deserve but the hero we most definitely need. Chris goes around wearing his Batman costume to find homes for helpless animals who are left at the shelter.

Rescues Poor Animals


Chris has always been an animal lover but he never thought he would become the Batman who rescues poor animals.

Chris Has Always Wanted To Be Someone Who Rescues Poor Animals And Make A Difference

Rescues Poor Animals


A lifelong Batman fan, Chris put the idea of becoming a real-life Batman who rescues poor animals together when he was volunteering at an animal rescue organization in Orlando.

Why The Costume?

Rescues Poor Animals


Chris knows that dressing up as Batman is not necessary to save animals but it helps him draw attention towards the issue of abandoned animals left in shelters.

It Wasn’t Long Before The World Discovered Him And Started To Support Him

Rescues Poor Animals


What Chris was doing drew the attention of a lot of people online and he was declared GoFundMe’s hero of the month!

Inspired And Motivated, Chris Launched His Non-Profit Organisation Bat4Paws

Rescues Poor Animals


Chris has written this on his GoFundMe page-

” As a child, I looked up to the values that superheroes such as Batman reflected and thought that would be the perfect vessel to embody the spirit of goodwill. Thus, the crazy idea of Batman4Paws was born. I would help rescue animals in need anyway I can, all while dressed as the Dark Knight himself and becoming a symbol for helping those in need. “

Chris’ Batmobile Is His Honda Accord

Rescues Poor Animals


He uses his Honda Accord on his missions when he rescues poor animals. He’s hoping some good person would help him procure a van that would make it easier for him to transport the animals after he rescues them.

Chris Also Has A Pilot Licence Which He Hopes Will One Day Be Useful

Rescues Poor Animals


Chris operates at a radius of 500 miles around Oregon and he hopes to extend his services to more states. His pilot license could come in handy for that!

How Chris Rescues Poor Animals – His Modus Operandi

Rescues Poor Animals


You can reach him via phone, email, and social media. His site Batman4paws says-

” Once a transport day is set and the furry friend has all their paperwork, he picks up the animal in need and brings it to safety.”

The World Needs More People Like Chris Who Rescues Poor Animals And Finds Them A Home

Rescues Poor Animals


Chris has told media that he thinks the real heroes are the one who adopt these animals. ” I would say I’m just the middleman, The real heroes are the people giving these dogs a good, loving home.”

Rescues Poor Animals


Chris Van Dorn is a hero!


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