Artist From Bulgaria Is Illustrating Her Instagram Followers Into Cartoons.


People come on Instagram with really different creative ideas to make them stand out from others. One such Artist from Bulgaria came up with the idea to turn her Instagram Followers into cartoons. Nobody had done this before her. It’s a really sweet way to show love for all the people who follow her!

It’s amazing how she does such a great job of drawing her Instagram Followers. However, this is not how it was always. It started with a single brush, a fine line pen and ink which resulted in witchy and magical sketches.

1. Initially, it Was All About The Moon, Sun, Witches, Mystical Creatures and Everything Fictional!

Instagram Followers


However, it didn’t take long for her to realise that she was drawing the same face over and over again. The facial features would end up being somewhat the same so she decided to change her subject of drawing.

2. It All Became About The Followers Then!

Instagram Followers


That is when she had a Eureka moment of deciding to draw her Instagram Followers! That way she would be making something unique every time.

3. Look At This Emo Girl Turned Into An Even Cuter Version Of An Emo Doll!

Instagram Followers


Not only did she change her subject of sketches. The colour palette underwent a complete change too!

4. If You Aren’t Falling In Love, I am! With the Picture I Mean!

Instagram Followers


From just ink, it now evolved to more colours. The sketches were vibrant and looked more lifelike.

5. Isn’t This Like Something Out of The Spider Universe? It’s Insane. 

Instagram Followers


They are the sweetest yet simplest of sketches.

6. Can’t Tell Which One is Better!

Instagram Followers


It’s almost as if an alternate universe of these followers exists.

7. The Sketch has Definitely Outdone the Original Picture.

Instagram Followers


The Bulgarian artist has turned her whole page around on Instagram. Her amazing art took an unexpected but nevertheless a very essential turn of events and ended up being more refreshing than ever! You all know that the person you so ardently follow on Instagram loves you all. But how much love is enough love? Well, Gloria set the bar really high by making sketches of her Instagram Followers! Not only does it make her followers feel loved but it also gives her a new challenge as an artist to look forward too!


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