14 Realizations You Have About Your Parents Only After You Turn 25 – complete


Turning 25 is a poignant whirlwind of emotions and feelings. The day I turned 25, I had a feeling that was way confusing. Sometimes I thought myself to be really old and sometimes not old at all. But, one thing that surely hits you is that enough time has passed for you to realize that you are no more a teenager. All of a sudden everything you think about your life changes to a different perspective. By the time you’re hit by these realizations about your parents, it’s too late to make things better.

A sense of li’l responsibility comes suddenly from out of the blue. A bit of awareness and realizations of our parents develops inside us.

1. No matter you turn 25 or 52, you will always be kid in their eyes.

parents realizations


2. The most important of all realizations you’ll have is – parents are really the most precious gift God has given you.

parents realization


3. They may seem to be strict in front of you, but they are the one who actually care about you.

parents realization



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