Society is Cruel! Most Unhealthy Things That Society Encourage Us To Do !


7. Eyes Focused on Electronic Displays

Society Unhealthy Things


Now, life is not possible without the use of computers, mobile phones, and many other electronic devices. Not only eyes but they are also affecting our mental health.

8. Poor Nutrition

Society Unhealthy Things


Even we can eat healthiest of the food without spending much but still we are eating the most expensive foods which are very unhealthy.

9. Sitting

Society Unhealthy Things


We are forced to sit whole day starting from driving from home to office and also while working in the office. There are exceptions to everything but majority of the people are engaged in the jobs where they have to sit whole day. There is no point of disagreement to this as it is one of the most unhealthy things that society has forced on us. 


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