Society is Cruel! Most Unhealthy Things That Society Encourage Us To Do !


4. Have Kids

Society Unhealthy Things


After getting married it is compulsory to have kids even if you are not prepared for it in terms of health. As per the society, having kids, raising them with best of your efforts and prepare them for the same should be the ultimate goal of life.

5. Alcohol Consumption

Society Unhealthy Things


How is society forcing us for this? People don’t like to spend time with them who don’t drink and consider them little kids. As a result, the little kid wants to become an adult and start consuming alcohol.

6. Insane Beauty Standards

Society Unhealthy Things


Girls are running behind the 0 figure and men wants to have six pack. Not only this, people are having surgeries just to enhance their beauty. This is one of those most unhealthy things. 


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