Somebody Shared That GOT Season 8 Is Getting A Remake And People Are Crazy About It!


Game Of Thrones has come to an end, what started off as a journey which kept the whole world glued to their seats has finally had its wrap. But, was the finale worth it? Was season 8 worth all the patience and excitement that the fans had right from day one? The audience is definitely not pleased with how disappointingly the show ended and how their expectations were crushed. The last season of this epic saga did not seem to please the maximum population of Game Of Thrones fans and they demanded a remake.

People are sharing their views and demanding a season 8 remake and we are really excited to see how that turns out.


The final season of the most loved show in the world aired on April 15, 2019. People had really high expectations from the show and it did deliver it in the initial episodes.


But things did not seem to go as planned as the end had so many loopholes that made the maximum of the plots really worthless.

Just before the finale was about to be aired people expressed their discontentment about the show saying that the writers and directors have successfully ruined the show for the entire audience and they deserve a re-make.

So, they decided to sign a petition at the Change.Org Petition where they stated that why should they do a remake, and it was signed by a shocking 1.5 million people.

Image result for game of thrones season 8

The petition was started by an avid viewer of the show, Dylan. D, who heavily criticized the creators for being incompetent to do justice to this epic saga and give it an ending it deserves.

Finally, George R. R Martin the author of A Song Of Ice And fire, on whose books Game Of Thrones was based said that it saddens him seeing that the internet fan culture has spiraled into madness.


He respects their love for the show but criticizing the creators was really inappropriate, he said that he finds the end fitting and has no complaints against the content creators nor the directors.


He also clarified that there’ll be no remake of Season 8 but there are several spinoffs in the making. But, he is highly doubtful about whether they’ll be as popular as the original series.

read also: These Game Of Thrones Actors Were Also In Harry Potter




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