10 Struggles Only ’90s Kids Will Remember


90s Kids!

We have everything at the click of the mouse or the touch of our fingers. It was not the case back then. When it was the 90s, we had what we now call – a Life! There were more outside games, more vacations, and trips. But back then it never really felt that we need change. We used to go on and talk with our friends until it was nap time. The chats were way cooler and they meant something too. The crushes were real and the heartbreaks, oh my! And the ability to watch sitcoms was awesome, to say the least!

There were some things that sucked, though, okay a lot of them! Tbh being one of the 90s Kids,my childhood went awesome.

  1. The Famous Crash of Windows

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Windows crashed, let us make a game out of it.

2. Carrying “Music in our Pockets” was a whole different game

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3. The Pain of Printing Photos because they couldn’t be saved Digitally

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4. Using Yellow Pages to “Find” Something. Boy did we miss Google!

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