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These Are The Richest Kids In The World

Kids nowadays are reaching places and attaining new heights. Every kid is unique and wants to do something really exceptional. The world has become...

Celebs Who Care More About This World Than Money

Celebrities are often seen as people who star in movies, play a different sport, sing songs, etc. They're seen as people at higher platforms...

This Fruit Is So Rare That It’s Sold For $1000 Each...

Everyone likes to eat fruits, have juices and stuff because they are tasty as well as amazing and plus good for health. There's not...

Insanely Expensive Stuffs That Only The Billionaires Can Afford

When we think about extravagant lives of billionaires, all our brain can conjure up is a super comfortable lifestyle. But to the extent these...

Restaurants Use These 12 Tricks On You To Fool You Into...

Honestly speaking that's how every business works. And restaurants with their fancy, extravagant gestures tempt you to pay more than what you actually had....

Father Hides Money In His Daughter’s House Whenever He Visits Her...

Girls love to be adored, cherished and accepted. Dad is a girl's very first prince charming. As a girl grows up her self-concept of...

These 12 Young People Became Millionaires Even Before The Age Of...

It is said don't stop working until you earn in 7 digits or more. That's the advice these young millionaires took seriously. Being a...

12 Popular Billionaires Who Chose A Really Simple Life.

We all have a bucket list of what we will do if we get a lot of money. But ever wondered what billionaires actually...

12 Things You Can Do In The Price Of An iPhone...

Since the new iPhone X has launched, people are drooling over it on the internet. Some are searching for ideas to collect $1000, while...

15 Most Expensive Things In The World People Ever Bought

There are certain items so lavish that you cannot just stop staring at them! People with deep pockets often think of some freakish things...

Things You Don’t Need But Want To Buy When You Earn...

How many times have you heard this line "money can't buy happiness", give me 100 dollars and you can watch me smile. When we...