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Tag: Myths

Myths About Different Countries That Are Not True

The world is a big place with infinite countries and infinite facts and myths about them. We all used to believe Italians have discovered...

Myths That Movies Made Us Believe Are True

Movies are an amazing thing to watch and spend your time on. The most exciting movies that we watch nowadays are an action thriller...

12 Hair Myths You Believe In Which Are Actually Bad For...

Hair is our crowning glory. Dark, lustrous, shiny, wavy, thick long tresses are coveted by women. However, due to this craze we also falsely...
Myths People Only Believe Because Advertisers Told So

Myths People Only Believe Because Advertisers Told So

Advertising is the most popular way to drive sales. Advertisers manipulate us and pull the wool over our eyes. Not everything these advertisers show...

10 Strange Myths That Came Out To Be True And We...

Believing what the world says is easy. And so now and then we fall for believing myths. But here we present to you 10...

20 Common Myths You Shouldn’t Believe About Space And Physics

The universe is still full of mysteries and wonders. It consists of many unbelievable facts, which exists around the Earth. Any person would be...

Few Myths ROMCOMS Have Forced Us To Believe In!

6 Myths ROMCOMS Have Forced Us To Believe In! Since the concept of 'entertainment' has come into existence, Romcoms have served as the best option ever....