Thanksgiving Episodes From FRIENDS That Will Make You Crave For The Fest Even More!


4. Chandler in a Box!

Even this episode was funny and had too much to offer. I won’t say anything other than this… “Married a lesbian, left a guy standing at the altar, married a gay ice dancer, threw a girl’s wooden leg in a fire, lives in a box!”

Thanksgiving Episodes in FRIENDS


5. The Flashback sorrys!

The flashback stories and just the way Monica tries to say sorry is adorable! I mean, she is such a cleanliness freak and for her to put up the dead animal on her face, well, you can think, right?

Thanksgiving Episodes in FRIENDSvia

6. The Monica and Ross revelations…

One of my favourites! The secrets all revealed in front of their parents… and Rachel’s English truffle is a double delight!

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