Total Strangers Who Ran Into Their Doppelgangers In Real Life.


We are no unique with our physical appearance, are we? We do say that there are at least seven people in the world who look like you and up to an extent you would definitely believe that. Ever heard comments like “you remind me of someone” “you look like someone I know”? Someone out there looks exactly like you and when you meet them in real life, its definitely a different feeling altogether. In this article, we are going to talk about people who ran into their doppelgangers. The similarities are so on point that you wouldn’t be able to differentiate.

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People who ran into their doppelgangers in real life. Let’s take a look!

1. Are they twins?

No, they are not twins. Look at the way they are dressed and hairstyle too, it’s so on point.

doppelgangers real life

2. Brother from another mother

Divided by families, united by beard :p

doppelgangers real life

3. Damnnn!

Meeting on the same plane and next to your seat, that’s some epic coincidence.

doppelgangers real life

4. Hard to believe, right?

Sister from another mother :p

doppelgangers real life

5. Doppelgangers come in all shapes and sizes

Same but a smaller copy :p

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6. Same same but little different

Another copy but a thinner one.

doppelgangers real life

7. Same pace, same time

Same dresses, same faces and eating at the exact same time? That’s insane.

doppelgangers real life

8. Mind-blowing

Trust me they are not brothers. They happened to meet on a bus wearing the same dress. Weirdly epic.

doppelgangers real life

9. Why so serious?

Looks like he isn’t happy after meeting his doppelganger.

doppelgangers real life

10. Another hard to differentiate doppelgangers

It looks like they are going to do some tricks with their family.

doppelgangers real life

11. Thank God they are wearing different t-shirts

Even their parents can’t find the difference.

doppelgangers real life

12. What the hell?

It looks like sleeping is only allowed to people who look similar and wear the same dresses :p

doppelgangers real life

That’s all folks. Do you also know anyone who reminds you of your friend? Do let us know in the comment section.

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