Donald Trump As US President, This Is What Will Happen To U.S


10. The Department of Education is just — bye

Sure, there are a lot of problems with the Common Core. But Trump’s assertion to cut the Department of Education would lead to a lot of other problems: no more college Pell Grants, no one to enforce civil rights laws, no one to check rampant inequality, no one to check racial or gender disparities — the list goes on.

Donald Trump as US President


11. The world will hate us

Aside from the best friendship with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, US President Donald Trump is already pretty bad at making friends of international leaders. A Mexican ex-president has used profanity to say what he thinks of Trump’s idea of a wall — and that Mexico should pay for it. And we all know what Trump thinks of China. The sad part is that Trump’s bad America PR campaign will come right after America’s image abroad is finally doing better after a mid-2000s dip.

Donald Trump as US President


12. Now when Trump is the President, the Second Amendment will come first

It’s all about jobs and freedom, you see. Guns bring manufacturing jobs and help Americans exercise their Second Amendment rights. Now, all you “right-wingin’, bitter-clingin’, proud clingers” of your guns, your god and your religion can have it all.

Donald Trump as US President


13. Hope you enjoy your measles

Here’s a concerning combination — US President Donald Trump is an anti-vaxxer. Now, when common diseases that we’ve worked to fight like measles come back, we won’t have Obamacare to help us either. He wants to dismantle the historic Affordable Care Act ASAP.

US President Donald Trump


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